Category Archives: review

Grading the Selection Committee’s In-Season Preview

Today, the NCAA Selection Committee put out their first ever in-season preview, releasing the current top 16 if the season were to end today. Let’s see how they did. First, here is their s-curve alongside my own Achievement Rankings, ESPN’s … Continue reading

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Conference Tournament Predictions 2015 – Final Results

Three years ago, I compiled predictions for the conference tournaments from three sources–my own, Ken Pomeroy, and Team Rankings. When the dust settled, Team Rankings had narrowly edged out KenPom for the title as I lagged behind a distant third. … Continue reading

Posted in College Basketball, Conference Tournament predictions, March Madness, predictive, review, team evaluation | 2 Comments

The Silliness of Bracketology

We’re less than one month from Selection Sunday, which means the burgeoning field often called Bracketology is in full swing. Bracketology has taken on some broader meanings over the years, but it most often refers to predicting the selection and seeding of … Continue reading

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The Achievement S-Curve – 2013 Final

Selection Sunday 2013 is in the books. Time to release the final Achievement S-Curve of 2013 and see how it compares to the actual bracket. The 2013 Achievement S-Curve (click twice to embiggen):

Posted in College Basketball, descriptive, March Madness, predictive, review, team evaluation | 3 Comments

Conference Tournament Predictions – Update 3/14/2013

As I laid out in my introductory post, I am laying out my conference tournament predictions in order to compare them to other predictions out there. The two that I know of are Ken Pomery’s Log5 predictions and TeamRankings predictions. … Continue reading

Posted in College Basketball, Conference Tournament predictions, predictive, review, simulation, team evaluation | 12 Comments

Conference Tournament Predictions – 2013

Conference tournaments got under way today with the 1st Round of the Big South and Horizon tournaments. This year I’m going to put my predictions on “paper” and compare them to some other predictions out there, notably Ken Pomeroy’s Log5 … Continue reading

Posted in College Basketball, Conference Tournament predictions, predictive, review, team evaluation | Leave a comment

An Improved Look at Pre-season Strength of Schedule

As we gear up for another NFL season kicking off in just over a week, there will be lots of discussion of Super Bowl contenders and playoff predictions. Which teams will improve and which will decline. One of the big … Continue reading

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What the RPI is and what it is not

Earlier today on, Matt Norlander wrote an article about the much-maligned RPI. He comes to this conclusion: If anything else, this chart proves there are far too frequent communication breakdowns with teams across the board, enough so that the … Continue reading

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BCS Series: Review of Colley ratings

For those that have read the first five installments of my BCS Ratings review, you’ll notice one major theme: nobody publishes their full methodology for how they calculate their ratings. Many of them are a “black box” where the inputs … Continue reading

Posted in BCS Series, College Football, Football, review, team evaluation | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

BCS Series: Review of Massey ratings

The Massey ratings have been around since December of 1995, according to his site. The explanation he lists is actually for his rankings that include scoring margin, and not those that are used in the BCS (which can’t use score … Continue reading

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